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12 November 2021, 10:44

Bashkir beauty won title of 1st runner-up Asia-Siberia-2021

Krasnoyarsk hosted the XV International beauty and talent contest "Miss Asia-Siberia - 2021".

Bashkortostan was represented by the winner of the beauty contest "Miss Republic - 2021", a student of Bashkir State pedagogical University, 21-year-old Ilyuza Isyandavletova. Having passed all competitive tests, Ilyuza was awarded the title of 1st runner-up Asia-Siberia-2021.

The competition was attended by representatives from Tuva, Yakutia, Tatarstan, Khakassia, Altai, Mongolia, Buryatia, Bashkortostan.

The participants gave a presentation in their native and Russian languages about their land and the great women of their people. Each showed a national creative performance. There was also a fashion show in national costumes and evening gowns.

Authors:Tatyana AksyutinaAdminQ Admin
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