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6 July 2021, 13:33

It will be wonderwork! - Radiy Khabirov announced holding of Сhildren's Folkloriada

In Bashkiria, it is planned to hold a Children's Folkloriada. Radiy Khabirov announced this event on Tuesday at a briefing session in the government of the republic.
“Colleagues, I can reveal a little secret. When we discussed our further cooperation with Mr. Philippe Beaussant, CIOFF President, a proposal emerged to start working on a major international event - the Folkloriada for Children,” the Head of Bashkortostan said.
This week it is planned to conclude a letter of intent and determine approximate dates. Radiy Khabirov instructed the Minister of Culture, Amina Shafikova, who is now with the delegations of the Folkloriada in Burzyansky district, to start organizational preparations for this event.
“This will be wonderwork! It will be truly a children's Olympics of the countries of the world with a large representation. I suppose that someday these times with the coronavirus will pass. We are starting to prepare; this is a very, very important story, ” Radiy Khabirov said.
Let us remind you that these days, from July 3 to 10, the VI World Folkloriada is being held in Bashkortostan with the participation of 37 countries.
Author:IMPORT Сервисный
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