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2 July 2021, 19:15

Radiy Khabirov announced start of flash mob of national costumes dedicated to Folkloriada

The Head of Bashkortostan, Radiy Khabirov, announced the start of a flash mob of national costumes dedicated to the World Folkloriada. A large-scale festival starts on July 3, guests from several dozen countries of the world arrive in the republic.
“It is my understanding that the Folkloriada in Bashkortostan is the brightest world cultural event. In a difficult period, it will help us cheer up a little and show that all the people of the planet, regardless of which state they are from, want to live in peace, friendship, and harmony,” the Head of the Region posted.
“Participants from 22 countries have already arrived here; we are waiting for more guests. And those photos of our guests walking through our streets and museums remind me of the atmosphere of friendship that was at the World Festival of Youth and Students in 1957. Then people just talked, told who was from where, they reached out to each other, like close people. And then for many years, they communicated and went to visit each other,” Radiy Khabirov added. “With this photo, I open the flash mob of all national costumes. After all, the national costume is the most important bridge to our ancestors and our history. Please, post drawings, photos, and videos of your national costumes on social media. And let's be proud of our history and the fact that although we are very different, we are together".
Author:IMPORT Сервисный
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