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1 October 2018, 17:33

Marcel Salimov represented Bashkortostan at international literary forum in Shanghai

UFA, 1 October 2018. /Bashinform News Agency, Leila Aralbaeva/ translated by Tatiana Aksyutina/. A group of Russian writers, poets, journalists, and scholars visited the People's Republic of China. The organizers of the trip were the Moscow City Organization of the Writers' Union of Russia and the Institute of World Literature of the Shanghai University of Foreign Languages. Marcel Salimov (Mar. Salim), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan, writer-satirist, poet, journalist, and public figure represented Bashkortostan at the international forum.
The Director of the Institute of World Literature, Doctor of Philology, Professor Zheng Tiu, a great connoisseur and popularizer of Russian classical literature in China, welcomed the Russian guests on the first day of the visit. A role and place of literature in our life, problems, and difficulties of translation, prospects for the development and strengthening of literary connections were discussed at a creative meeting of Russian masters with Chinese students and teachers, translators and specialists in Russian language and literature at the Shanghai University.
Within the framework of the literary forum, creative meetings were held with publishers, writers, and readers at the Shanghai Writers 'House, the Chinese Writers' Manuscript Library, and the House Museum of the great Chinese poet Lu Sin.
A presentation of a special collection "Moscow-Shanghai. 2018" by Marcel Salimov, published in Moscow in 3,000 copies took place as part of the literary forum.
Upon arrival in Moscow, Marcel Salimov delivered a report at a meeting of the Secretariat of the Writers' Union of Russia with information about the trip to China.
For a cycle of new humorous poems Mar. Salim was recognized the winner of the International Competition named after de Richelieu (Odessa - Frankfurt am Main) and awarded with the "Diamond Duke". And the poem "Multilingual Bashkir" brought the author another creative victory in Moscow - for the second time he became the silver winner of the National Literary Prize "Golden Pen of Russia".
Author:Leila Aralbaeva
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