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6 November 2012, 17:12

Gala-show of festival of national cultures “Flowers of Asia” to be held in Ufa on November 12

Gala-show of the festival of national cultures “Flowers of Asia”, initiated by Ministry of culture RB and the Friendship House RB, will take place at the National Youth Theater RB by M. Karim on November 12. The main goals of the festival are popularization of national traditions and customs of Asian nations, preservation of their many-sided heritage and history, assistance to active involving of representatives of Asian countries in cultural life of the Republic, widening of cultural communications and strengthening of friendship between the nations, living on the territory of Bashkortostan.
The show’s program includes performances of amateur and professional soloists and folk bands of different ages and nationalities in such nominations as “vocal art”, “choreography”, “musical instruments” and “spoken word”. The beginning of the show is at 19 o’clock. The entrance is free.
For the reference: Bashkortostan is considered one of the most multinational Russian regions, where representatives of more than 160 nationalities live side by side. National centers of Asian nations function in the Republic, supported by the Friendship House RB (Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkmen, Tajik, Uzbek and others). All these centers contribute to preservation and development of national languages, culture and traditions of Asian nations.
Author:Arina Rakhimkulova
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